Animal Reiki

Reiki is not just for humans. Animals can also benefit from this holistic healing treatment. I have treated numerous animals including my own dogs. You can read more about how I worked with ‘Babe’ on my About Me page or read on to see Dolces story…

The intended benefits of Reiki for animals is for physical healing, psychological treatment, and general wellness. It may relieve tension or alleviate fears, giving your animal a sense of peace and relaxation.

Some note that pain relief and rapid recovery resulting from treatment, aiding the body’s natural healing process. Whether it’s a behavioural disorder, injury, or arthritis.

dog having Reiki treatment

Reiki for animals can also be administered remotely using the Distant Reiki method.

This makes life a lot easier for the owner and the practitioner as the animal can remain in its familiar environment.

Reiki healing works on the principle of intention, and therefore it isn’t essential for the animal being treated to be in the same room… it can be anywhere in the world! 

Meet ‘Dolce’

Dolce dog in wheelchair

Meet ‘Dolce’ My 7 year old french bulldog.

Dolce was just under 2 years old when she had an accident which sadly resulted in a life long injury to her spine, which weakened her hind legs.

Dolce coped amazingly well after her injury, nothing seemed to stop her in her tracks! It was only in Dolce’s later life (around 6 years) she started to struggle with her daily walks.

After much research we found her a doggie wheelchair! We were super happy to be able to give Dolce a new lease of life.

Amazingly she took to her new wheels like a duck to water. (Please see pics).

Dolce is extremely receptive to Reiki healing. Quiet often she will pick which healing crystal/crystals she would like me to use with her.

Crystal reiki treatment on dog

Amazingly animals are very aware of their bodies healing needs and they always let me know exactly where they would like me to place my hands and when they have had enough.

Thank you for taking the time to read Dolce’s story. Any questions you may have please contact me.

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